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Terminal Ileum

Ileum terminale, the very last part of the small bowel

Normal villi in the terminal ileum

The distal terminal ileum

The terminal ileum with clearly visible mucosal villi and some lymphoid hyperplasia

Villi in the terminal ileum. The bowel content is quite dark due to bile.

Lymphoid hyperplasia in the terminal ileum - an innocent finding

Lymphoid hyperplasia in the terminal ileum - an innocent finding

Lymphoid hyperplasia in the terminal ileum - an innocent finding

A small but significant finding - a small aphthous lesion in the terminal ileum indicating Crohns disease

Crohns disease in the terminal ileum

Crohns disease in the terminal ileum

Crohns disease in the terminal ileum

Crohns disease in the terminal ileum

Crohns disease in the terminal ileum

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