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COLLAGES: Crohn's Disease

Collage: Crohns Disease

Collage: Crohns Disease in the Small Bowel (Capsule-endoscopy)

Collage: Crohns Disease: Ulcerations in the Small Bowel (Capsule-endoscopy)

Collage: Crohns Disease in the Small Bowel (Capsule-endoscopy)

Collage: Crohns Disease in the Small Bowel (Capsule-endoscopy)

Collage: Stricture caused by Crohns Disease in the Small Bowel (Capsule-endoscopy)

Collage: Crohns Disease in the Small Bowel (Capsule-endoscopy)

Collage: Crohns disease in the terminal ileum

Collage: A long segment of the distal ileum affected by Crohns disease in a patient astonishingly symptomfree.

Collage: Crohns disease in the terminal ileum

Collage: Crohns ulceration in a neo-terminal ileum

Collage: Crohns disease affecting the ileocaecal valve

Collage: Crohns disease affecting the ileocaecal valve

Collage: Crohns disease, ulcerations in the colon

Collage: IBD, probably Crohns disease: Inflammatory Polyps in the Transverse Colon

Collage: Severe Crohns disease in the transverse colon

Collage: Severe Crohns disease in the sigmoid colon

Collage: Crohns disease in the distal colon

Collage: Crohns disease: Rectal ulcerations

Collage: Crohns disease: Rectal inflammatory polyps

Collage: Crohns disease: Rectal stricture

Collage: Crohns disease: Recurrent Crohn after ileorectal anastomosis

Collage: Severe rectal Crohns disease

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Crohns Disease in the Terminal Ileum (MRI)
Circular Ulcer in a Neo-terminal Ileum
Crohns Disease: A Stenotic Ileocaecal Valve
Crohns Disease at the Ileocaecal Valve
Severe Ileocaecal Crohn