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Achalasia Cardiae

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Achalasia Cardiae

Achalasia Cardiae

Achalasia Cardiae

Achalasia Cardiae, x-ray

Achalasia Cardiae

A dilatated oesophagus seen in a x-ray examination in a patient with Achalasia cardiae
Achalasia cardiae is a motility disorder of the oesophagus, where there is a nerve degeneration in the Auerbach´s plexus, causing inability of the lower oesophageal sphincter in the cardia region (C) to relax. In oesophageal x-ray examanations a dilatation of the oesophagus is seen, and the contrast stays in the oesophagus for a long time. Endoscopy shows a quite normal cardia, and in less severe cases the endoscopic diagnose is not easy. Dysphagia is the main symptom, causing weight loss in severe cases. Achalasia can be treated with medicines (nifedipine, nitrates), botulinumtoxin injections in the cardia, dilatation during endoscopy and surgically (Heller´s myotomy).

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