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Prepyloric Ulcer (Forrest II)

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Prepyloric benign gastric ulcer

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A benign prepyloric ulcer with a Forrest II lesion

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A benign prepyloric ulcer with a Forrest II lesion

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A benign prepyloric ulcer with a Forrest II lesion

Prepyloric Ulcer (Forrest II). Just click on a picture!

Prepyloric Ulcer (Forrest II)

Prepyloric Ulcer (Forrest II)

Prepyloric Ulcer (Forrest II)

Prepyloric Ulcer (Forrest II)

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Jyviä ja pakanoita - messu su 23.1. kello 11.00 Leppävaaran kirkossa Pakanan usko - yksinkertaista, mutta totta. Tervetuloa messuun Leppävaaran kirkkoon! Gudstjänst i Alberga kyrka, Esbo söndag 23-1-22 kl 11.00 Service in the Church in Leppavaara, near Helsinki, on Sunday Jan 23, 2022 at 11.00 AM